(253) 320-6132

Loan OFficer, Mortgage Advisor

Solomon Roberts

See what you qualify for in 60 seconds or less

We work with 200 plus lenders to get you the best mortgage experience and rate.

First Time Home-Buyers

Need help understanding how the home buying process actually goes? I educate and walk you through every step of the process and help ensure that you know all your options before making such a big step. 

Ask me about our down payment assistance programs to save you money up front. 

Repeat Home Buyers

Want a smooth and quick process and to avoid as much red-tape as possible? Our process is to set you up well by getting things handled up front so that the rest of the process is smooth sailing. 

Ask me about ways to leverage your current assets and how to create wealth.


Options for every kind of investor and in most all situations.

  • Non-QM mortgage

  • Bank Statement Only

  • No Income Mortgage

  • Fix & flip loans

  • DSCR Loans

  • Many More options..

Meet Solomon

Mortgage Advisor | NMLS: 2571452

Hi, my name is Solomon Roberts. I'm a Loan Officer with Renown Mortgage, a company started by my brother Justice. I'm a family man and I serve people and families by offering personalized mortgage solutions, fast customized quotes, great rates, & service with integrity.

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